The Ultimate Guide To Social Media + Process & Tracking


Social media management can be one of the most effective ways to grow your business. It allows you to connect with new customers and generate leads for free. In fact, over 80% of consumers say they’ve purchased from a brand because they saw it on social media!

However, if you don’t have a strategy in place or worse – you don’t even have an account – then it’s highly unlikely that your efforts will be worthwhile. This guide will teach you how to create an effective social media presence and track the results so that you can prove its value to your boss (or even yourself).

Why social media?

Social media is a great way to reach your customers and build your brand. It can help you increase sales, profit and audience size.

The importance of process and tracking.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help your business grow, but it’s important to know why and how to use it.

To begin with, let’s take a look at what social media is and why it’s so important for businesses. Social media is basically anything you post on the internet that others can view. Some examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Social media has become such an integral part of our lives that many people spend hours every day on their smartphones checking their feeds or posting updates on their profiles. Businesses have realized this trend and started using these platforms as ways to market themselves or even just keep in touch with customers who might be interested in what they’re doing (think: specials).

However I’ve found the best way to really take advantage of all these opportunities is by tracking my results! If we don’t measure ourselves against others then how will we know if we’re making progress? By drawing comparisons between competitors’ workflows you’ll be able to see where improvements need made and where there may still be room for growth within your own processes (and maybe even get some inspiration!).

How to create a social media strategy.

  • First, it’s important to define what your goals are. Are you trying to increase sales? Get more leads? Build brand awareness? Set up a campaign around an event or holiday?
  • Next, figure out who you’re talking to and why they’re listening: What is their pain point? What drives them to action?
  • It’s also important to set a budget (if applicable) and decide on how much time each week/month you’ll spend on your campaign(s). Keep in mind that the more time spent on social media, the better results tend to be. You’ll need resources like labor hours and content creation capabilities before moving forward with any strategy or campaign plan for this reason. -Then comes defining success: How do we measure success for this project/campaign/strategy overall? Is it based solely upon return-on-investment (ROI)? Or does our ROI matter only if it exceeds some other metric such as average number of views per post during a specific period of time compared against budgets allocated per month across all social platforms combined into one big bucket labeled “Social Media”—which would then make sense for us if we wanted something like SEO SEO SEO SEO SEO SEO SEO instead…but maybe not so much when ranking against keywords versus competitors who don’t care about being found at all times everywhere because they have no competition or barriers preventing anyone else from doing exactly what they’re doing right now except differently but still equally well enough so therefore still just as valuable as some other person making money off advertisements placed throughout various channels where every single one was equally successful anyway despite never having been seen by anyone except those people who clicked through because those ads were relevant enough which means that everyone wins even though everyone loses too but not really because there will always be someone else out there willing

The importance of developing a social media presence.

You can use social media to build your brand, generate leads, and sell products.

The key to the success of any business is its social media presence. In today’s world, people turn to the Internet for answers on everything. They want to know who you are and what you stand for before they trust you with their money or time. If they don’t see that they can trust you in two seconds flat, they’ll move on and find someone else who resonates with them more quickly than your competitors did—and without even a second thought! To make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s important that all of the content produced by your company reflects exactly what kind of person or company would create something like this (and never anything less). The best way to do this is through social media marketing because it’s free advertising: anyone interested in learning more about what makes up great work should start following relevant accounts from companies whose work matches theirs closely enough–or even better yet–from friends who already follow these accounts! This way when new posts come out on these channels there will be no reason not try them out first hand instead just relying on what others tell us about them 🙂


Social media is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. From engagement to conversion, it can help you reach new customers and grow your business. However, it’s not always easy to know how best to use this medium, especially when there are so many options out there! Fortunately, we’ve covered all the bases here—from establishing what kind of presence makes sense for your brand right now (and why) through creating an effective strategy for managing all those channels with ease. Click here if you want your business will grow with the use of social media.