How To Ensure SEO Openness In Your Site Updates, & Why It Matters


If you’re a web developer, you already know that SEO can be a nightmare. The search engine ranking factors are constantly evolving, and it’s hard to stay on top of them all. One of the most important things you need to consider when building a new website is how open it will be to optimization. But what is “seo openness,” exactly? And why should you care? I’ll try my best to answer these questions in this post! An SEO packages must include site updates like speed test checked.

First, consider how your site is being built.

You may have heard the terms static and dynamic used to describe a website’s construction. To understand how this affects SEO openness, let’s start with an overview of each.

Static sites are built using a markup language like HTML, which is read by web browsers and other programs on your computer. Dynamic sites are built using server-side scripting languages, such as PHP or ASP.NET; they’re also called dynamic because they can be modified without having to reload a new version of the site every time you make changes (which happens when you edit static HTML files).

The main difference between static and dynamic websites is how they’re stored on your web server (the machine that delivers web pages to users). Static sites are stored in one large file that contains all the content for your entire site—all its images, text, videos etc.—while dynamic sites contain separate files for each page of content (for example “mypage1.php” would contain everything about page 1) which connects together through links in HTML code.

How Is Your Website Currently Built?

If you’re thinking about updating your website, it’s important to understand how the site is built. The two main types of website builds are static and dynamic.

  • A static website has a single HTML file that contains all the content for that page. When you click on a link, it loads another file with the content for that page, but otherwise it remains unchanged. This makes updating this type of site easier because there’s less work involved in making changes across multiple pages at once (e.g., adding new images and text). Static sites also tend to load faster than their dynamic counterparts because they don’t need to load any data from other pages or files as they’re being loaded—they simply pull together everything in one go when someone opens up your site in their browser window.*A dynamic website uses databases or other programming languages like PHP or ASPX/.NET which allow developers more flexibility when building out new features on top of what already exists; however, these can make accessibility hard since developers may need specific skillsets to make updates themselves instead doing things through code editors like Dreamweaver or Frontpage Express

What Are The Main Differences Between Dynamic & Static Websites?

Dynamic websites are built with programming languages like PHP, ASP, or Ruby on Rails. These languages allow for greater flexibility in the way that a website works. They also give developers more freedom to change the code if they need to make changes to its functionality.

Static websites are built using HTML (the language that browsers read) and other web standards like CSS (which helps you style your webpage) and JavaScript (which allows you to add interactivity). Because of this, static sites can be updated quickly but don’t have as much flexibility as dynamic sites do.

SEO Openness & Dynamic Page Builds

Dynamic page builds can be more difficult to manage and maintain.

This is due to the complexity of content management systems (CMS). Some CMSs have a lot of moving parts, which makes it harder to update when you need to make changes on your site. Dynamic page builds are also tougher for marketers because they have less insight into what’s happening behind the scenes and they don’t have complete control over it. This leads me into my next point:

Dynamic page builds can be more difficult to optimize.

Marketers often use tools like Google Analytics (GA) or Facebook Insights as tools for measuring performance, but these solutions don’t work well with dynamic pages because they’re not built for them—they’re built for static content websites that don’t change very often. What happens if you want to measure how people are interacting with your product? Or how many people visit a certain product page? GA can only do so much!

SEO Openness & Static Page Builds

It’s important to know that static pages are read-only and therefore not indexed, crawled, or cached. This means they won’t be included in search engine results.

So what does this mean for you? Well, if you want your site updates to be seen as often as possible by search engines and users alike, then implementing a solid content strategy is essential.

Why Does SEO Openness Matter?

  • It helps you to understand how your website is being built.
  • It helps you to understand how your website is being used.
  • It helps you to understand how your website is being indexed.
  • It helps you to understand how your website is being crawled.

The notion of SEO openness is a critical factor when building a new website.

There’s a reason why getting the right balance of SEO openness is so critical: it’s the only way to ensure your site will be optimized for both users and search engines.

For example, if you want to rank well in search results, you’ll need to make sure your content is relevant and up-to-date. But it’s not enough just to publish new content; you also need to give users a reason for visiting your site. And that means making sure each piece of content has great user experience (UX).

So what does this mean from an architecture perspective? It means focusing on how information is organized on your site, how easy it is for people who visit your pages or download documents from them—for instance, how many clicks away they are from getting what they want—and whether those pages load quickly enough (and without crashing) when someone comes across them through a Google search result.


SEO openness is a critical factor when building a new website. It can be difficult to determine the best way to build your site so that it’s both SEO friendly and user-friendly, but as long as you consider these three tips above, you should be on your way! greg gillespie is very professional in delivering SEO results for their clients.