How To Do Keyword Research For an SEO Campaign


Keyword research is the foundation of any good SEO campaign. It allows you to focus on the right keywords and optimize your site so that it’s not just relevant but also competitive for search engines. Hiring a freelance SEO consultant Sydney is an advantage because he has a flexible time and can focus each client site.

Why Keyword Research Is Important

Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. It’s what helps you understand what people want to buy, and it also helps you figure out how many competitors are in the market for those products or services.

The goal of keyword research is to find out which words people are using when they search online. These words can then be used as the basis for your website content–for example, if someone searches for “how do I fix my car,” then that means they might want more information about fixing cars (or at least fixing one specific car). So if you have some tips on fixing vehicles, this would be an excellent opportunity for a blog post or article!

Tools & Resources for Keyword Research

The following tools are useful for finding keywords:

  • Google AdWords Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends (formerly Google Insights)
  • The Keyword Planner tool inside of AdWords, which you can access from It’s free to use and requires no sign-up process at all–just enter your site URL and start typing in keywords that you want to target! The information returned includes search volume data, suggested bid ranges and competition scores based on how hard it will be for your site to rank on page one of Google’s search results when targeting each keyword phrase. If you’re interested in learning more about how this feature works or the best practices behind using it effectively then check out our blog post here: [How To Use The Keyword Planner](https://www%252Elinkedin%252Ecom%252Fcompany%252Fseomoz%252Fblog%252Fhow-to-use-the-keyword-planner).

How to Do Keyword Research – Find Your Topics and Start Your Seed List

Before you start your keyword research, it’s important to define the problem. This means determining what goals you want to achieve and how much time it will take for those goals to become reality.

For example: if one of your fitness goals is to lose 10 pounds in 6 months and another goal is building muscle mass by gaining 1 pound per month, then these two ideas may not be compatible with each other. The reason why is because gaining muscle requires more calories than losing fat does–and therefore would make it harder for someone trying to lose weight at the same time as they’re trying build up some muscle mass (especially if they want those gains fast).

In short: don’t worry about what other people’s goals are; stay ambitious but realistic!

It also helps if we know what kind of person we’re dealing with before starting our keyword research process–are we looking for someone who wants progress fast? Or do we prefer slow progress over time? For example: “I want my abs showing” vs “I’m happy being able to see my stomach muscles when I flex.”

Brainstorm a Seed List

The first step in keyword research is to brainstorm a seed list. A seed list is a set of keywords that you want to use as the foundation for your SEO campaign. You can create this list using either a spreadsheet or a keyword research tool, but it’s important that you use the right tool for the job:

  • Spreadsheets are best suited for very large keyword lists (in excess of 100k) or those with very specific requirements (like long-tail keywords). They’re not ideal for smaller lists because they lack flexibility and don’t allow much room for customization, like synonyms and negative search terms.
  • Keyword research tools are better equipped at handling smaller lists since they have built-in synonym suggestions and negative search term filters so all you need to do is enter one word at a time into their fields instead of entering hundreds at once into multiple columns on your spreadsheet or worksheet tab(s).

Optimize Your Site’s “Money Pages” with the Right Keywords

A money page is a page on your site that brings in the most revenue. It’s also called a “landing page” or “lead generation page.”

A money page is not:

  • A homepage (unless you want to optimize it for keywords)
  • A blog post or article where you’re trying to rank for a keyword just because it’s relevant, but not really driving traffic back to your site in any meaningful way

Use “Top of the Funnel” Pages to Target High Volume General Terms

Top of the funnel pages are an excellent way to target high volume general terms. These pages can be used to get traffic, build your brand, or both.

Targeting high volume general terms on top of the funnel pages allows you to focus on growing your business and building brand awareness without having to worry about how competitive a keyword is. You can also use these keywords as anchors for more specific content that people will click through from if they’re interested in learning more about what you’re selling or offering.

Keyword research allows you to focus on SEO opportunities.

Keyword research is a crucial part of any SEO campaign, but it’s not just about what you can do with the keywords you find. Keywords also allow you to identify target markets, topics and content ideas for your business or website.

Keyword research helps with:

  • Finding out what people are searching for online so that you can better understand their needs and wants
  • Identifying potential customers who may be interested in what you have to offer


As you can see, keyword research is a crucial part of any SEO campaign. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming! With the right tools and resources at your disposal, it’s easy to learn how to do keyword research. Once you know what keywords people are searching on Google for, you can make sure those terms are also included in your content (alongside other relevant topics). This will help ensure that more visitors find their way to your website from search engines like Bing or Yahoo! In addition please read about the existence of page rank.